Thursday, July 07, 2005

Greetings... this is my first proper blog effort.. yeay

Hi everyone!!!

Greetings to all of u. It has been an emotional few weeks here in UK. In warwick, at home.. people are just leaving for home... leaving for holidays... some of u will be coming back, some of u gonna be staying here, and some of ya will not be coming back. But thanks to u all for ur friendships. That was very special to me... i mean, that IS very special...

This blog is great for keeping in contact, keep up-to-date... mostly voomun and s'ling like to blog a lot... but the rest of u, shout out a lil now and then... great to hear wat u're up to...

Mh left just now... he is boaording innnn...... approx 1hr... so goodbye man!! it was good fun havin u here, playin the badminton with the old fellas... and with the woman having an affair with that quai-lo hahahah, thanks for bearing with this untidy house... even tho it looks like that it still welcomes u (and everyone else too!!! hehe)... visit again someday

So look forward to seeing everyone at graduation/the nxt time everybody... chins up and all the best!

Tzong Chyi Bong


Anonymous said...

Commenting on my own post hahah.. but just wanna ask when everyone will be most free... because i want to book air ticket to malaysia/s'pore now, i just saw a ticket that's cheap and it'll be around the 20th AUGUST... but i hear most of u prefer earli august? late july even?

Please let me kno...


fe li ci a said...

i'm fine with anything...!

Anonymous said...

augustttttt!!! hehe need time to recuperate from all the travelling man....